A PDF version of the call for paper is available to download from here.
MAM 2019, the 7th annual Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling, will be held July just prior to EGSR 2019 in Strasbourg, France. Position papers are due June 24, 2019.
Types of position papers include (but are not restricted to, just write and ask if in doubt!):
Many systems have been proposed for creating/editing materials, measuring existing ones and fitting data to appearance models. Comparisons of existing editing systems, acquisition systems, or model fitting methods can be very useful for uncovering areas where additional research is needed.
Suitable topics of this type include description of practical applications of digital models and problems that have been encountered. Are there some materials that aren’t possible to model with current methods? Do some software systems fail to successfully predict appearance? Are there some desirable editing operations that aren’t possible with current systems?
What are the big problems we still need to solve? Are there significant problems that require solution of wave equations that we still can’t handle? Are there problems that require physical property data that we don’t know how to get? Do we need better perceptual models? What are the material appearance modeling problems associated with 3D printing?
Technical papers typically describe the design of systems and initial results. Reports of practical experience with system are needed, including reports on what works well, and what works poorly. This type of “experience” report is needed to move the field forward, but is not eligible for publication in traditional conferences and journals.
If you recently had a journal paper (including Eurographics and SIGGRAPH papers) on material appearance modeling and have additional data, information or insights about the work beyond what was presented in the original paper, you are welcome to present these at the workshop. Submit an abstract summarizing what you will present that augments the original paper.
3D printing systems are becoming available for reproducing color and gloss. Papers on fabrication issues are welcome.
All submissions should be four pages or less in length, using the Style Guide given egPublStyle-MAM2019.zip. The deadline for submissions is JUNE 24, 2019. Submissions and any questions should be sent via email to the workshop organizers: Holly Rushmeier (holly@acm.org), Reinhard Klein (rk@cs.uni-bonn.de)